Eagles Athletics at FLS
Eagles Athletics at FLS
Faith Lutheran School is a MSHAA member school partnered with William Matthew Middle School in Kirksville. This allows our 7th and 8th grade students to participate in the sports teams and other clubs in the Kirksville R-III school district.

Eagles Basketball
Eagles Basketball
Faith Lutheran has two basketball teams, one for both girls and boys grades 4 through 8.
Our coaches believe that all players should have the opportunity to build their skills and experience on the court and believe in the spirit of fun in playing the game. In line with our Christian values, our coaches use positive regard in their coaching styles.
Admissions to games is $3/person or $10/family (excluding players & coaches). Season booster passes are also available for $75 and can be purchased at the admissions counter.
Concessions are also available from 50¢ to $3.
Cheer & Dance Squad
Cheer & Dance Squad
Faith Lutheran has a cheer & dance squad to cheer on our basketball teams, open to all students grades 1-8.
The squad will learn age appropriate basic cheer and dance, and will be focused around these principles:
- Christ honoring routines and music will be used at all times.
- Each practice session will include a time of scripture devotion and prayer.
- Students will understand the value of practice, hard work, and team centric attitude and actions.
- We will have FUN!
Students are able to both participate in cheer and basketball!

Our Gymnasium
Our Gymnasium
Faith Lutheran School was recently blessed with a new gynamiusm where we can now host sports events. Currently, the gym hosts all of our students for P.E., as well as our school's basketball and cheer teams in the winter.
The facility includes:
- Full basketball court
- Scoring system
- Bleacher seating
- Restrooms
- Lobby
- Concessions
- Several Pre-school classrooms