As a ministry of Faith Lutheran Church, the mission of the school is to prepare students to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ with one another, the community and the world while providing them with an education that will equip them with knowledge and skills; allowing them to succeed as productive citizens.
We believe in the Triune God as revealed by His inspired Word.
We believe that we are saved from our sinful condition and receive eternal life only by God’s grace, through faith in Christ Jesus, on account of His death and resurrection.
In response to God’s love, we follow the example of Christ by loving, serving, and forgiving others.
We are called to share God’s message of hope and salvation.
Faith Lutheran Church and School are affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
Choosing Faith Lutheran School
Choosing Faith Lutheran School

Did you know?
- Our strong faith foundation, academic excellence, and certified, experienced teachers set us apart!
- All of our teachers are certified in the state of Missouri and the many of our lead teachers have their Master’s degrees or beyond.
- Our support staff is also highly credentialed! We are blessed to have such qualified staff serving our children here at FLS.
- Test scores are in, and once again, our students excelled! On average, our 1st-8th graders are testing at a grade level equivalent of 2.75 grade levels ahead of their assigned grade, with some classes scoring as much as 5 grade level equivalents ahead on average!
- When compared to public schools, charter schools, and other large school systems, the system of Lutheran grade schools and high schools was ranked the best academic system.
- Faith Lutheran School is proud to be a part of the Lutheran School system! We are a member of LESA (Lutheran Elementary School Association, which serves Pre-K through 8th grade) and use their curriculum guidelines to meet or exceed all Missouri standards.
Why Christian Private School?
- Small classes allow teachers to give more individual attention, have a better sense of who each student is, and what his or her specific strengths and weaknesses are.
- Parents can look to private schools as an extension of the home in promoting the values they embrace.
- Promoting students’ spiritual development in addition to academic achievement is an important goal of Faith Lutheran School.
- Students are significantly more likely to feel safe and be safe while at school.
- Private school students perform better on standardized achievement tests.
- Students who attend private schools receive more academic challenge.
- Nationwide, students who attend private Christian schools are seven to nineteen months ahead of the national norm in reading, and seven to thirteen months ahead of the national norm in all subject areas. (Based on Stanford Achievement Test results)
Benefits of Blended Classrooms
- Blended classrooms are those where two or more grade levels are taught in the same classroom, and students stay with the same teacher for two or more years.
- Students become more accepting of age and achievement differences.
- Students in blended classrooms outperform their single-grade counterparts in the areas of emotional and social growth on nearly every measure.
- There are fewer behavioral or exclusivity problems in blended classrooms.
- Students enjoy increased academic achievement, particularly among boys, under achievers, and high ability students.
- Blended classrooms help children to focus on learning by reducing the number of transitions in their school career.
- Students in blended classrooms demonstrate greater leadership skills, greater self-esteem, and increased pro-social behaviors and fewer aggressive tendencies.
Why Choose Faith Lutheran School?
- Philosophy: A child can become fully educated only by exploring and coming to terms with all facets of human existence. Faith Lutheran School supports parents who desire a well-rounded and balanced educational program for their children.
- School-Home Connectivity: A Christian school environment supports and extends the loving home environment most parents strive to create.
- Learning Environment: An exciting, hands-on, experiential learning environment filled with love and compassion supports the different learning styles of our students.
- Education: Only dedicated and “called” teachers can minister to the total needs of children in an educational setting. FLS also meets all state and core requirements in its curriculum.
- Parental Involvement: Parents of children at Faith Lutheran School care about the education of their children. Active parental involvement in school programming is essential to the success of the joint educational endeavor.
- Lifelong Results: Future generations will depend upon people with appropriate values and attitudes to provide direction and quality in life; the values and attitudes taught at FLS are essential to this process.
- Faith: The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not only presented in a straight forward, non-sectarian, and natural manner, but the message is modeled in the behavior of those associated with the program. Spiritual and/or religious experiences at school are intended to support those established in the home.